Virtual Typography

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Fisches Nachtgesang – Christian Morgenstern
Morgenstern lived at the turn of the nineteenth century
(1871–1914) in Germany. With most of his literary work
intended as a comical comment on high literature,
Morgenstern was, strictly speaking, not a concrete poet.
In retrospect, however, his work is very interesting in
relation to concrete poetry. For example, Morgenstern’s
Fisches Nachtgesang (1905) went beyond both the
semantically and syntactically challenging approach of
visual and concrete poetry. Can a poem that does not
convey any linguistic components actually be considered
a poem? Like the digital codes of software applications,
Fisches Nachtgesang is pure syntax. There is no meaning
beyond structure, yet in this particular case the structure
itself still communicates a sense of irony. Where the level
of abstraction is taken to such extremes that typographic
signs can hardly be identifi ed as such, we should speak
of poetic expression rather than of poetry.

Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
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