Virtual Typography

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Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
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constantly adjust the mode of perception. This is an
important aspect in the aesthetic perception of virtual
typography because it remotivates the level of attention
paid in the course of the information display. The
constant fl uctuation between image and text keeps the
viewer in suspense and lends virtual typography its
immersive quality.

Saussure’s semiological concept of the signifi er and the
signifi ed (see page 14) has determined the designers’
understanding of typographic communication for many
decades. But the model that once helped us understand
the difference between text and image now limits us in
understanding the relationship between the two in the
context of virtual type. If we want to analytically approach
the difference between virtual typography and static
typography, we need to acknowledge the fact that virtual
typography is not necessarily digital even though it lends
itself to being used in digital environments. Two things
make virtual typography special, different and separate
from conventional print or screen typography:
a) the deliberate delay in its communicative function
and b) its temporary disguise as abstract imagery.

Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
1st Proof Page:6 5

001-184 01212.indd 65001-184 01212.indd 65 12/19/08 3:04:18 PM12/19/08 3:04:18 PM
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