Transforming Your Leadership Culture

(C. Jardin) #1


Now What for Technology Inc.? If we had done the fea-
sibility map for Technology Inc. prior to our working with the
company, the maps would have revealed a better than zero - sum
chance for sustainable change. A few key scale results would
lead to an overall conclusion of feasibility. At the individual
level, Bart ’ s time sense, his leader logic, his change guide prag-
matism, and his evolving intentionality were all constructive.
For the senior team, the levels of trust, partnership, and evolv-
ing learning environment were key. In the leadership culture,
the strategic scope level would help signifi cantly in building and
sustaining suffi cient Headroom draft.

Professional Services Inc.

The transformation opportunity for PSI initially was cast as
moving from Conformer over time to Collaborator in order to
dispel the image of the legacy company from which PSI was
renamed and was to be reinvented. PSI ’ s business strategy was to
integrate divisions and systems while emphasizing market - driven
approaches for each strategic business unit. Yet the leadership
strategy and the surrounding leadership culture were strongly
oriented to the short term (a common pattern in Conformer
cultures) and maximizing the gain of each business unit (a com-
mon pattern in Achiever cultures).

Individual Level. Initially we found the CEO highly com-
mitted to his own development and the development of the
organization. Had we mapped his individual leader feasibility, it
would have revealed both challenges and opportunities. Adam ’ s
control source profi le would be in the Achiever range. As an
Achiever, he was struggling to integrate his own internal com-
pass with the Outside - In demands of the shareholders. His time
sense, intentionality, and change guide scores would all be typi-
cal of a conformer. At the same time, his leader logic and values
would scale out as those of an Achiever - Specialist - Performer.

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