Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1

4.11 Combination of Priority 1 & 2 Stopping Criteria

On occasion, the test may be stopped initially for a Priority 2 Stopping criterion such as heart

rate above acceptable limits and the SP is unable to continue. The technician selects Go to Recovery and

the treadmill controller is put in the Recovery Stage. At any time during the Recovery Stages the test may

need to be stopped due to a Priority 1 Stopping criterion such as dizziness, nausea, or severe leg cramps.

The technician would then select Emergency Stop to end the test immediately and select Cool Down and

Stop Belt on the treadmill controller. The Priority 1 screen will be displayed but the Priority 2 screen will

not be displayed. The technician must enter the complete information about the reasons for stopping the

test on the Priority 1 Stopping Criteria screen. The way to do this is:

Exhibit 4-76. Data entry for combination of Priority 1 and 2 criteria

„ Check the appropriate box for the reason for going to an Emergency Stop (eg.

„ Check Other and enter a comment in the text field to indicate why Go to Recovery
was selected.

„ If the reason for going to the Recovery Stage was the heart rate enter the following
abbreviated comment in the text field: “PR2 HR>85% Stg2”

„ This will indicate that the SPs heart rate was greater than 85 percent in Stage 2 and the
SP was unable to continue so Go to Recovery was selected.
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