Exhibit 6-16. Technician Competency Evaluation Form (continued)
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Normal Transition From Warm-Up to Stage I
Presses NEXT STAGE on treadmill controller at 1:59 following
auditory prompt from ISIS
Obtaining RPE – Stage I
Asks SP for RPE at 2:3 0 of Stage I following auditory prompt from
Enters RPE correctly into system
Check HR – Stage I
Check heart rate on BP monitor and captured data in ISIS
Manually enter correct HR into system if the difference is > 5 beats
HR checked _ HR captured ___ HR entered ___
Obtaining RPE – Stage II
Asks SP for RPE at 2:30 of Stage II following auditory prompt
Enters RPE correctly into system
Check HR – Stage II
Check heart rate on BP monitor and captured data in ISIS
Manually enter correct HR into system if the difference is > 5 beats
HR checked _ HR captured ___ HR entered ___
Normal Recovery
Informs SP that treadmill will be slowing down and grade will level
Informs SP that it is OK to lightly touch front railing on treadmill
during recovery
Normal Test Termination
Presses COOL DOWN on treadmill controller after auditory prompt
from ISIS
Tells SP to grab front rail because treadmill is about to stop
Presses STOP BELT on treadmill, be attentive to SP
Detaches lead wires from electrodes
Selects FINISH on ISIS screen
Changing Protocols (example scenario for decreasing protocol)
At 1:30 of warm-up, examiner presents scenario that warm up heart
rate is >60% of predicted max
Selects CHANGE PROTOCOL on ISIS screen
Selects DECREASE and APPLY on ISIS screen
At 1:59 presses NEXT STAGE 4 times on treadmill controller so that
next easiest protocol (Stage I) is selected