Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1
Exhibit 6-16. Technician Competency Evaluation Form (continued)

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Normal Transition From Warm-Up to Stage I
„ Presses NEXT STAGE on treadmill controller at 1:59 following
auditory prompt from ISIS

Obtaining RPE – Stage I
„ Asks SP for RPE at 2:3 0 of Stage I following auditory prompt from
„ Enters RPE correctly into system

Check HR – Stage I
„ Check heart rate on BP monitor and captured data in ISIS
„ Manually enter correct HR into system if the difference is > 5 beats
„ HR checked _ HR captured ___ HR entered ___

Obtaining RPE – Stage II
„ Asks SP for RPE at 2:30 of Stage II following auditory prompt
„ Enters RPE correctly into system

Check HR – Stage II
„ Check heart rate on BP monitor and captured data in ISIS
„ Manually enter correct HR into system if the difference is > 5 beats
„ HR checked _ HR captured ___ HR entered ___

Normal Recovery
„ Informs SP that treadmill will be slowing down and grade will level
„ Informs SP that it is OK to lightly touch front railing on treadmill
during recovery

Normal Test Termination
„ Presses COOL DOWN on treadmill controller after auditory prompt
from ISIS
„ Tells SP to grab front rail because treadmill is about to stop
„ Presses STOP BELT on treadmill, be attentive to SP
„ Detaches lead wires from electrodes
„ Selects FINISH on ISIS screen

Changing Protocols (example scenario for decreasing protocol)
„ At 1:30 of warm-up, examiner presents scenario that warm up heart
rate is >60% of predicted max
„ Selects CHANGE PROTOCOL on ISIS screen
„ Selects DECREASE and APPLY on ISIS screen
„ At 1:59 presses NEXT STAGE 4 times on treadmill controller so that
next easiest protocol (Stage I) is selected

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