When the stage ends, the top and bottom LEDs turn yellow and the bottom LED in the
next stage begins to flash.
After 3 minutes in stage 2, the speed and grade move to the values preprogrammed
into Recovery 1 for the selected protocol.
3.9.10 Recovery Stages 1, 2, & 3 (If Necessary)
The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP measurement at
00:10 minutes into Recovery 1. The end of Recovery 1 BP and HR measurement will
be captured at 00:5 0 minutes into Recovery 1.
The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP measurement at
00:10 minutes into Recovery 2. The end of Recovery 2 BP and HR measurement will
be captured at 00:5 0 minutes into Recovery 2.
If HR < 110, an auditory message should remind technologist to stop the timer and
stop the treadmill.
Press COOL DOWN on treadmill controller.
Press COOL DOWN as directed above.
Tell SP to grasp the front handrail and warn that the treadmill is about to stop.
“Press STOP BELT on treadmill controller. Congratulations, you have completed the
Press STOP BELT as directed.
If HR > 110, proceed with Recovery 3. The system will give an auditory message:
“Proceed with Recovery 3”
Recovery 3: The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP
measurement at 00:10 minutes into Recovery 3. The end of Recovery 3 BP and HR
measurement will be captured at 00:50 minutes into Recovery 3. The system will give
the following auditory message:
“Press COOL DOWN on treadmill controller.”
Press COOL DOWN as directed above.