Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1
„ When the stage ends, the top and bottom LEDs turn yellow and the bottom LED in the
next stage begins to flash.

„ After 3 minutes in stage 2, the speed and grade move to the values preprogrammed
into Recovery 1 for the selected protocol.

3.9.10 Recovery Stages 1, 2, & 3 (If Necessary)

„ The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP measurement at
00:10 minutes into Recovery 1. The end of Recovery 1 BP and HR measurement will
be captured at 00:5 0 minutes into Recovery 1.

„ The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP measurement at
00:10 minutes into Recovery 2. The end of Recovery 2 BP and HR measurement will
be captured at 00:5 0 minutes into Recovery 2.

„ If HR < 110, an auditory message should remind technologist to stop the timer and
stop the treadmill.

Press COOL DOWN on treadmill controller.

„ Press COOL DOWN as directed above.

„ Tell SP to grasp the front handrail and warn that the treadmill is about to stop.

“Press STOP BELT on treadmill controller. Congratulations, you have completed the

„ Press STOP BELT as directed.

„ If HR > 110, proceed with Recovery 3. The system will give an auditory message:

“Proceed with Recovery 3”

„ Recovery 3: The system will automatically set the BP monitor to start the BP
measurement at 00:10 minutes into Recovery 3. The end of Recovery 3 BP and HR
measurement will be captured at 00:50 minutes into Recovery 3. The system will give
the following auditory message:

“Press COOL DOWN on treadmill controller.”

„ Press COOL DOWN as directed above.
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