Principles of Food Sanitation

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cluded that 1.8% sodium lactate combined
with 0.25% sodium acetate, sodium diacetate,
or glucono delta-lactone in frankfurters
inhibits the growth of this pathogen and that
combinations of lactate with diacetate were
the most effective since this combination pro-
vided a synergistic inhibitory effect.
The combination of acetic acid and hydro-
gen peroxide is effective in the destruction of
listeria. Antimicrobial washes with hydrogen
peroxide and organic acid reduce microorgan-
isms on carcass surfaces more effectively than
a plain water wash because of the synergistic
effect between organic acids and hydrogen
peroxide. Carcasses should be washed with
hydrogen peroxide as soon as possible after
hide removal for maximum effectiveness and
residues should not be left on the carcasses
after treatment.Sodium citrateorsodium lac-
tate at a concentration of 2% (wt/wt) or
higher is known to inhibit Clostridium per-
fringensgrowth over and 18 hour cooling
period (Sabah et al., 2003) and citric acid with
irradiation can inhibit growth ofL. monocy-
togenes(Sommers et al., 2003a).
An acidified calcium sulfate solution,
when applied to the surface of frankfurters,
reduces the growth of L. monocytogenes.
Also, it prevents the re-growth of this
During the past, treatment of frankfurters
with lactic acid initially reduced the number
of microorganisms, but failed to kill all of
them and prevent additional growth. Lactate
and diacetate additives and CPC are effective
pathogen inhibitors (Petrak, 2003; Sommers
and Fan, 2003; Sommers et al., 2003b),
although CPC has not been FDA approved
for use in food manufacturing at the time of
this writing. Post-packaging pasteurization
technology, especially through heat applica-
tion, has provided a means to reduce
pathogen growth.
Compounds incorporated in carcass
washes, such as acidified sodium chloriteand

ozone, can lack effectiveness and threaten
worker safety if not properly handled. Since
ozone gas is a toxic respiratory irritant with
limited effectiveness, it has not been further
developed (Russell, 2003). Antimicrobial
resistance is another potential limitation.
E. coliO157:H7 and other pathogens may be
capable of acid adaptation in processing
Carcass washes lose their efficacy if
microbes evolve and become resistant. To
reduce this threat and increase the effective-
ness of these washes, a multi-hurdle
approach may be incorporated through the
use of more than one rinse or other preven-
tive measures. Some larger meat plants may
have as many as five or six hurdles including
activated lactoferrin, a non-ionic surfactant,
andelectrolyzed oxidizing water(EO) (which
has been effective against pathogens
attached to cutting boards and as a poultry
spray/dip combination).
Another carcass decontamination concept
involves a wash cabinet with a water and
sodium hydroxide mixture, which releases
soils and contaminants from the hide. Then,
the carcass is conveyed to a second cabinet,
where it is rinsed with high-pressure water
before being steam vacuumed with a lactic
acid application (Yovich, 2003). Stopforth
et al. (2003) indicated that peroxyacetic acid
is more effective than alkaline (quaternary
ammonium) sanitizers as a decontaminant
and increased destruction effectiveness is
attained with the application of hot water
and an acid wash as compared to washing
only with water. Use of carcass washers has
increased in an effort to reduce fecal con-
tamination (Bashor et al., 2004).
Activated lactoferrinis a natural non-toxic
protein that is consumer label-friendly with
no in-plant disposal challenges. It is FDA
approved and a generally recognized as safe
(GRAS). This naturally occurring protein is
derived from whey and skim milk. It is the

Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 311
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