Salmonellaand other detrimental microor-
ganisms. New procedures and equipment
modification are necessary to reduce con-
tamination. A machine-vision system that
instantly detects trace levels of organic con-
tamination, including ingesta and fecal
material which harbors pathogens, is avail-
able and can be used in processing, distribu-
tion, and retailing environments to help
workers detect organic contamination,
ensuring a safer and more wholesome prod-
uct. However, at the time of this writing a
“track record” for this equipment was not
Intestinal spillage and viscera rupture can
occur. In poultry slaughtering, a series of
water or sanitizer sprays can be applied to
reduce contamination. Red meat carcasses
can also be decontaminated. The efficacy of
spraying has not been totally resolved
because this operation does not completely
remove microorganisms and can spread con-
tamination over the carcass.
A meat inspector should use a sanitizer for
the hands and knife because they can con-
taminate dressed carcasses.
Control of chilling parameters (air tem-
perature, air movement, relative humidity,
and filtering air) can reduce microbial
growth. Drying of the carcass surface is
important in the suppression of microorgan-
isms (e.g.,Campylobacterspecies). Trimming
of the neck flap area of poultry carcasses
after chilling will reduce contamination.
Further Processing
Chilled carcasses and cuts should not be
exposed to an unchilled environment. The
equipment used in this operation should be
hygienically designed and sanitized before use.
Safe and wholesome adjuncts should be used.
The appropriate packaging material will
protect the product from contamination.
Proper storage temperatures must be main-
The method of distribution must be rapid
and clean. An effective temperature and san-
itary environment must be maintained. The
transportation environment should be moni-
tored for sanitation and temperature control.
Sanitation procedures............................................................................
Detailed cleaning operations should be
written and posted in the plant. Documenta-
tion of procedures is beneficial when super-
vision changes are made and for training of
new employees. As mechanization increases,
cleaning methods become correspondingly
more detailed and complicated. Prior to
adopting a cleaning procedure, it is essential
to become familiar with the operation of all
production and cleaning equipment. In addi-
tion to providing the necessary information,
this can lead to improvements in methods
that are used or should be incorporated.
The following are examples of cleaning
procedures that could be used for distinct
operations and areas in a plant. These exam-
ples are only guidelines. Every cleaning
application should be adapted to the prevail-
ing conditions. Although this step will not be
mentioned, hoses and other equipment
should be returned to their proper locations
after cleanup.
Livestock and Poultry Trucks
FREQUENCYAfter each load has been