Index 413
fats, oil, and grease (FOG), 217
pollution determination, 215-218
residue in, 217-218
sampling of,
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
chemical oxygen demand (COD),
dissolved oxygen (DO), 216
total organic carbon (TOC), 216-217
Wastewater treatment, 220-233
disinfection, 231-233
pretreatment, 220-222
flow equalization, 221
screening, 221-222
skimming, 222
primary treatment, 222-224
flotation, 222-224
sedimentation, 222
secondary treatment, 224-230
activated sludge, 227-228
aerobic lagoons, 226-227
anaerobic lagoons, 225-226
contact stabilization process, 228
extended aeration process, 228
land application, 229
magnetic separation, 230
oxidation ditch, 228-229
rotating biological contactor, 229-230
trickling filters, 227
Wastewater treatment (Continued)
tertiary treatment, 230-233
chemical oxidations, 231
deodorization, 233
disinfection, 231-233
filtration, 230
ion exchange, 231
microstrainer separation, 230
physical-chemical separation, 230-231
physical separation, 230
tertiary lagoons, 231
Water activity (Aw).SeeAw
Web of causation, 77
Winery sanitation, 361-367
bottling area cleaning, 363-364
cleaning compounds for, 362
cleaning floors and walls, 362-363
cleaning used cooperage, 364
equipment cleaning, 363
pest control, 367
sanitary principles, 362
sanitation monitoring, 367
sterile filtration, 366
tartrate deposit removal, 364-365
Yersinia enterocolitica,41, 48-49
Yersiniosis.See Yersinia enterocolitica