Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

106 • Introduction to Art Therapy

of Mental Imagery. Lusebrink (1990) is another art therapist whose work includes the use of
imagery, reflecting her application of such cognitive elements as information processing to
art therapy.
All of these cognitively based theories of art therapy are, however, quite different from what
is currently known as Cognitive Therapy. Rosal (Figure 5.9) described a Cognitive-Behavioral
approach, which is more similar to current trends in treatment, in her book (Rosal, 1996)
and in a chapter she contributed to the second edition of Approaches (Rubin, 2001). Like
Rhyne (1995), Rosal (C) was also attracted to George Kelly’s cognitively based Personal
Construct theory, using it as a basis for her work in both assessment and therapy.

Figure 5.8 Aina Nucho, psychocybernetic art therapy.

Figure 5.9 Marcia Rosal, cognitive-behavioral art therapy.

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