Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
People We Serve • 189


  1. “Art is all the feelings trapped inside: An interview with Marilyn McKeown,” by S. Spaniol, 1995,
    Art Therapy, 12, 227.

  2. Freud, S. (1908) “Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming,” Standard Edition, Vol. 9, 1908, 141–156.

  3. “Research on Creativity and Aging: The Positive Impact of the Arts on Health and Illness,” by G.
    D. Cohen, 2006, Generations, 30(1), 10.

  4. “The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on the Physical Health, Mental
    Health, and Social Functioning of Older Adults,” by G. D. Cohn et al., 2006, The Gerontologist, 46
    (6), 726–734.

  5. Kennedy, R. “The Pablo Picasso Alzheimer’s Therapy, by R. Kennedy, 2005, New York Times.
    October 30,

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