236 • Introduction to Art Therapy
helped with the diapers, kissed the baby, and told all his friends and relatives how much he
loved his new sister. But Sammy was also jealous. His mother used to have much more time
for him before the baby came, and now she was always busy or tired.
So one day at his preschool he drew a picture of a bird diving down toward a nest (D).
And he told his teacher the following story about his drawing (Fig u re 10 .11): “That big boy
bird’s gonna knock that other one off the nest! There ain’t no room for two!” Sammy could
Figure 10.11 “A Bird’s Gonna Knock Another One Off the Nest!”
Figure 10.10 The Art Lady visits Mister Rogers (PBS). From Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. © Family Communications, Inc.
Used with permission.