Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Introduction to Art Therapy: Sources & Resources

A Note to the Reader/Viewer... Illustrations, not Instructions

Because the book covers a great deal of ground, this DVD, which is meant to be played on a
computer rather than a DVD player, is intended to illustrate rather than to instruct. In order
to show a wide variety of examples, I have opted for breadth rather than depth. Another
reason for the brevity of most of the film clips is to minimize the likelihood of revealing
sensitive information or material about the participants.
While the majority of the illustrative clips are from unfinished film and tape materi-
als, some are excerpts from finished works, a few of which may still be available for pur-
chase. I have therefore included any relevant information, as well as a listing of those
individuals and institutions that have generously given permission for their inclusion in the

About Confidentiality

Although not all of the people on this DVD are patients, it is important to note that many
were, and that they agreed to be photographed for the purpose of professional education.
Since this book is meant for those in the helping professions, I trust that viewers will respect
the privacy of participants allowing themselves to be filmed and will maintain the same
kind of confidentiality normally accorded to any clinical material.


All of the figures in the text are black and white. Those that are also available in color are on
the DVD in folders for each chapter (Figures in Color) with identifying numbers.
In order to view the video files on this DVD it is necessary to download QuickTime. Here
is the link for the free download:

All of the video clips are in MPEG-4 format. All of the still images are JPEGs. Both are
viewable on Mac and PC computers (i.e., they are cross-platform compatible).

Free download pdf