Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index • 331

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (PBS), 222, 235, 236 ,
242, 274
Modality, 37, 43–44, 76
Mother-and-Child Drawings, 124
Mother-child art group, 206
Mother’s group, 206
Motivational techniques
Adolescents, 150
Mourning, 5
Mt. Sinai’s Child Life & Creative Arts Therapy
Department, 223
Multicultural Committee (MCC), 256–257
Multicultural issues, 255–257
Multi-family art therapy, 110
Group art therapy, 209
Multifamily group art therapy, 206, 209
Multimodal approach, 45, 46–47, 115, 163, 164
Multimodal expressive arts therapy, 163–164
Multimodal expressive therapies approach, 46
Multimodal group, 44
Multimodality approach, 100
Multimodal use of expression, 101
Multiple disabilities, 32
Multiple family art therapy, 232
Multiple modalities, 42
Multiple personality disorder (MPD). See
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Multiple sclerosis, 224
Murals, 57, 111, 175
Murals of the Mind (Harris), 111
Music, 187
Mutual communication, 152
Mutual resentment, 157
Mutual Storytelling Technique (Gardner), 107
My Italian Journey (Goethe), 68
My Mom and Dad Don’t Live Together Anymore
(Rubin), 38, 154


Naive or primitive art, 53
Narrative therapy, 97
National Art Education Association, 205, 260n5
National Center for Complementary & Alternative
Medicine, 225
National Child Research Center, 238
National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapy
Associations (NCCATA), 45, 258–259,
260, 278
National Committee*Arts for the Handicapped
(NCAH), 205, 206, 260
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 225, 259
National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH)
adolescents with schizophrenia, 109
and apprenticeship, 245
Art Therapy (Gantt), 265
Art Therapy in Mental Health, 265

art therapy literature, 260
family assessment batteries, 139
and patient art, 126
rating scales, 129
seminal work in family therapy, 62
study on art therapy in institutions, 234–235
National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum, 230
Natural disaster and violence, 231
Natural Way to Draw (Nicolaides), 147
Necessary Losses (Viorst), 10
Negative ideas and feelings, 86
Netherne Hospital, 64
Neurobiology, 74
Neurological impairment, 138, 198
Neurologically handicapped, 83
Neuroscience, 114
New Orleans Museum of Art, 231
Newsletters of the International Networking
Group of Art Therapists, 67
Nightmare Help (Wiseman), 107
Nightmares, 42, 107
Non-directive approach, 156, 157
Nondominant hemisphere, using, 147–148
Normal adults, 238
Normalization, 107

Objective handicap, 203
Object relations, 96, 97
Occupational therapy (OT), 39, 40, 47
Oedipal wishes, 110
Older Americans Act, 186
Omega, 238
Ontario Art Therapy Association (OATA), 279
Open-ended approach, 134
Open studio, 103, 111, 233
Oppositional behavior, 135
Organic impairment, 218
Organ transplant recipients, 225
Outpatient art groups, 193
Outsider art, 53
Ovarian cancer, 226
overseas programs, creation of, 66
Overt behavior, 103

Pain, 3, 18, 22
Painful reality, 21
Painting & Personality (Alschuler), 127
Painting and drawing, 61, 226
Painting Out Illness (Hill), 225
Painting therapy, 114
Panic attacks, 12
Paranoid delusions, 181
Paranoid schizophrenic, 52
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