Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1


Colligative property, 375
to estimate solute molar mass, 376
Common ion effect, 391 , 444
Component, 421
Components, number of, 47 , 228 n
Composition variable, 222 , 225
relations at infinite dilution, 225
Compressibility factor, 35
Compression, 51
Compression factor, 35
Concentration, 29 , 223
standard, 253
Condensation curve, 433
Conditions of validity, 23 n
Congruent melting, 429
pair, 137
in a binary system, 430
in a ternary system, 443
variables, 59 , 137
Consolute point, 430
Constants, physical, values of, 471
force, 493
potential, 455 , 456
Continuity of states, 33
Convergence temperature, 172
Conversion factor, 23
Coriolis force, 276 n, 503
Coulomb’s law, 489
curve, 439
opalescence, 205
of partially-miscible liquids, 430
of a pure substance, 33 , 205
pressure, 205
temperature, 205
Cryogenics, 156 – 161
Cryoscopic constant, 378
Cubic expansion coefficient, 163 , 210 , 218
of an ideal gas, 188 p
negative values of, 163 n
Curie’s law of magnetization, 160
Current, electric, 86 , 87 , 168 , 169 , 449 , 470
Cyclic process, 52

Dalton’s law, 239
Debye crystal theory, 152
Debye, Peter, 158 , 294 , 295 b, 297 , 298
Debye–Huckel ̈

for a mean ionic activity coefficient,
296 , 297 , 464
for a single-ion activity coefficient,
limiting law, 296 , 330 , 332 , 390
theory, 294 – 299
Deformation, 30
elastic, 36
plastic, 36
work, 69 – 74
Degree of dissociation, 410
Degrees of freedom, 199 , 419
Deliquescence, 439
Density, 29
measurement of, 38
Dependent variable, 46
Derivative, 479
formulas, 479
Dew-point curve, 433
Dialysis, equilibrium, 395
Diathermal boundary, 28
Dieterici equation, 26 p
Differential, 24 , 481
exact, 52 , 481
inexact, 52
total, 134 , 481
of the internal energy, 135 – 137
Dilution process, 324
Dimensional analysis, 24 – 25
Disorder, 129
Dissipation of energy, 65 , 66 , 80 , 83 , 90 – 92 ,
94 , 95 , 113 , 123 , 129 , 170
Dissipative work, 83 , 89 , 91 , 94 , 135
Dissociation pressure of a hydrate, 437
Distribution coefficient, 394
membrane equilibrium, 396 , 396 – 399
potential, 396
Duhem–Margules equation, 404

Ebullioscopic constant, 380
of a Carnot engine, 111 – 113
of a heat engine, 110
Efflorescence, 438
Einstein energy relation, 54 , 182 n
Elastic deformation, 36
charge, 452
current, 86 , 87 , 168 , 169 , 449 , 470
potential, 45 , 286 , 297 , 298 , 452
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