Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1


chemical, 312
reaction, 312
stoichiometric, 313
Equation of state, 46 , 47
of a fluid, 33
of a gas at low pressure, 35 , 244 , 281 p,
362 p
of an ideal gas, 33
thermodynamic, 166
virial, 34
dialysis, 395
gas–gas, 440
liquid–gas, 399 – 408
liquid–liquid, 391 – 394
mechanical, 48
phase transition, 69 , 344
position, effect ofTandpon, 356 – 358
reaction, 48 , 343 , 408 – 410
solid–liquid, 383 – 391
thermal, 48
transfer, 48
Equilibrium cell potential, 89 , 453
Equilibrium conditions
for a gas mixture in a gravitational field,
274 – 276
in a gravitational field, 195
in a multiphase multicomponent
system, 235 – 237
in a multiphase one-component system,
193 – 194
for reaction, 343 – 349
for a solution in a centrifuge cell,
276 – 279
Equilibrium constant
mixed, 409
on a pressure basis, 352
thermodynamic, 351
of a cell reaction, 461
temperature dependence, 368
Equilibrium state, 48 , 48 – 50
Euler reciprocity relation, 482
composition, 427
halt, 428
point, 426 , 429
temperature, 427 , 428
composition, 444
point, 443
Exact differential, 52 , 481

function, 146
quantity, 305
work, 91
Exergonic process, 302 n
Exothermic reaction, 318
Expansion, 51
free, 79
reversible, of an ideal gas, 126
work, 71 , 71 – 79 , 95
reversible, 77
Expansivity coefficient, 163
Extensive property, 28
Extent of reaction, 314
External field, 28 , 49 , 58 , 195

Faraday constant, 286 , 452 , 471
external, 28 , 49 , 58 , 195
gravitational, 28 , 36 , 49 , 54 , 195 , 274
magnetic, 160
First law of thermodynamics, 56 , 135
Fluid, 31 , 32 – 33
supercritical, 32 , 33 , 205 , 210 , 211
Flux density, magnetic, 158
Force, 486 – 495
apparent, 276 n, 496
centrifugal, 503
contact, 493
Coriolis, 276 n, 503
effective, 496
electrical, 489
fictitious, 276 n, 496 , 498
frictional, 69
gravitational, 37 , 197 , 489 , 503
Formation reaction, 319
center-of-mass, 54 , 58 , 499 – 502
lab, 53 , 58 , 59 , 79 , 274 , 276 , 487 ,
490 – 493 , 495 , 496 , 499 , 500
local, 53 , 57 , 58 , 69 , 79 , 276 , 278 , 495 ,
497 , 498
nonrotating, 499 – 502
rotating, 276 , 496 , 502 – 503
reference, 28 , 53
earth-fixed, 503
inertial, 53 , 486 , 487 , 490
Free expansion, 79 , 128
Freezing point, 203
curve, 383
for a binary solid–liquid system, 426
of an ideal binary mixture, 384
for solid compound formation, 388
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