Mathematics of Physics and Engineering

(coco) #1
Functions, Sets, Gradient 129

we conclude that the vector Ax + 12 j — k defines the plane tangent to the
surface at the point PQ = (1,2,14). The equation of the plane at PQ is
4x + 12y — z = 14 : note that x = 1, y = 2, z = 14 must satisfy the
equation, and you get the number 14 on the right by plugging in these
values for x,y,z.

EXERCISE 3.1.11. B Verify that r(u,v) = ui + vj + (2u^2 + 3v^2 )k and
r(u,v) = (v/y/2) cosuz4- (v/y/3) sinuj+v^2 k are two possible parametric
representations of the surface z = 2a:^2 4- 3y^2. Verify that, for both repre-
sentations, the vector ru x rv at the point (1,2,14) is parallel to the vector
4i+12j- k.

Recall that P is a critical point of a scalar field / if either V/(Po) —
0 or / is defined but not differentiable at PQ. HP is not a critical point of
/, then — V/(P) is the direction of the most rapid decrease of the function
/ at the point P. This observation suggests the following iterative method
for finding the point of local minimum of /: given a reference point O, a
starting point Pi, and a collection of positive numbers ak, k = 2,3,...,
define the points Pj, recursively by

OPk+i =OPk- ofcV/(Pfc). (3.1.12)

Sometimes it is convenient to identify the point Pfc with the position vector
rfc = OPk and to write (3.1.12) in an equivalent form as

T-fc+i =rfc -akVf(rk)-

The new point Pk+\ can be denned as long as V'/(Pfc) ^ 0. If the sequence
of the points Pk, k > 1, converges as k —> oo, then the limit P* must be the
point of local minimum of /; otherwise V/(P*) ^ 0 and the sequence can
be continued. As a result, V/(Pfc) —> 0, and in practice, the computations
are stopped as soon as ||V/(Pfc)|| is sufficiently small. Special choices of the
numbers ak can speed up the convergence. This method is known as the
method of steepest descent. It was one of the first numerical methods
for minimizing a function. The method can converge very slowly, but is
easy to implement. There exist more sophisticated numerical methods for
finding critical points.
EXERCISE 3.1.12. A (a) Draw a picture illustrating (3.1.12). (b) Write
a computer program that implements (3.1.12) to find the local minimum
of the function f(x,y) = 2x^2 + 3y^2. Experiment with various starting
points, various values of ak and different stopping criteria (for example,
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