Mathematics of Physics and Engineering

(coco) #1
Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 145

the usual way; for example,

9f = nm /(gl+t,g2,g3)-/(gl,g2,g3)
dqi t-»o t
Unlike cartesian coordinates, the partial derivative df/dqk is not equal to
the directional derivative Dqkf- Instead, by (3.1.9), (3.1.35), and (3.1.36),
we conclude that


^- = V/ • r'fc(0) = hkVf-qk = hkD9hf. (3.1.41)

EXERCISE 3.1.28? (a) Convince yourself that, in general, df/dqk ^ Dqkf.
Hint: if P has Q coordinates (91,92,93), and Pt, the coordinates (91 +£,92,93),
then, in general, OPt ^= OP + tq 1 , but the equality does hold in cartesian coordi-
nates, (b) Verify (3.1.41).

Since the representation V/ = !Cfc=i(^/ ' 9fc)9fc holds in every or-
thonormal coordinate system, equality (3.1.41) implies the following for-
mula for computing the gradient in general orthogonal coordinates:

V/=l|^ 1 + l|^ 2 + l|^ 3 , (3.1-42)
h\ dq\ h 2 dq 2 h 3 dq 3
where the functions hi,h 2 ,h 3 are denned in (3.1.37).
EXERCISE 3.1.29.B (a) Verify that




dr r 86 dz
is the gradient in cylindrical coordinates, (b) Verify that

or r sin <p 06 r o<p
is the gradient in spherical coordinates, and verify that, for f(r, 6, ip) = g(r),
the result coincides with (3.1.33).
Next, we derive the expression for the DIVERGENCE in Q coordinates
using the definition (3.1.23). Recall that, to compute the divergence in the
cartesian coordinates, we consider a family of shrinking cubes with faces
parallel to the coordinate planes. The same approach works in any coordi-
nates by considering rectangular boxes whose sides are parallel to the local
basis vectors qi,q 2 ,q 3. Let P be a point with Q coordinates (01,02,03),
and, for sufficiently small a > 0, consider a rectangular box with vertices at
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