Mathematics of Physics and Engineering

(coco) #1
Equations in Vacuum 169

This choice of A corresponds to Coulomb's gauge; for more about gauging
see page 351.
Assume that the current density J and the corresponding electric field
E do not depend on time. Then Maxwell's equation (3.3.5) becomes the
original Ampere's Law (3.3.11).

EXERCISE 3.3.9.B Verify that (3.3.11), (3.3.17), and (3.3.18) imply

V^2 A = -HQJ. (3.3.19)

Hint: see (3.1.32) on page 139.

Let us assume that the vector field J is twice continuously differentiable
and is equal to 0 outside of a bounded domain. By analogy with (3.3.14)
and (3.3.15) (see also Problem 4.2 on page 427), we write the solution of
the vector Poisson equation (3.3.19) as


with integration over the points QgR^3 where J is not zero.

EXERCISE 3.3.10.c Assuming that differentiation under the integral sign is
justified, verify that (3.3.17) and (3.3.20) imply

Hint: Note that, for the purpose of differentiating the expression under the integral
in (3.3.20), the point Q is fixed and the point P is variable. Accordingly, place the
origin at the point Q; then you need to compute curl(J/r), where J is a constant
vector. Recall that V(l/r) = —r/r^3 and use a suitable formula from the collection
(3.1.30) on page 139.
Formula (3.3.21) is the three-dimensional version of the Biot-Savart
Law, discovered experimentally in 1820 by the French physicists JEAN BAP-
TISTE BIOT (1774-1862) and FELIX SAVART (1791-1841); in its original
form, the law states that the magnetic field produced by a constant current
/ in an infinitesimally thin straight wire of infinite length is

B{P)-^^PQf' (3- (^3) - 22)

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