Mathematics of Physics and Engineering

(coco) #1
Rigid Bodies 81

where v(t) = r(t) - rcM(t), and is (2.2.14) replaced by

LCM(t) = llf(t) x «() P(r(t)) dV, (2.2.40)


which is the angular momentum relative to the center of mass.

As with finite systems of points, consider the parallel translation of

the frame O to the center of mass of the body. The rotation of the rigid

body relative to this translated frame is described by the rotation vector

u>(t) = u>x{t) i + Wy(t) 3 + ojz(t) k, where (S, j, k) is the cartesian basis in

the translated frame. By analogy with (2.2.30), we write v(t) = x(t)i +

vit)3+ ()&, LCM(t) = LCMx(t)i + LCMy{t)3 + LcMz(t)k, and define

Ixx =

iy2{t) + Z2{t)) P{x{t)) dV

Iyy =

{x2{t) + Z2{t))P{x{t)) dV
-R(t) n(t)

= IJJ(x^2 (t) + y^2 (t))p(x(t))dV,


•*-xy — -*-yx

lyz — J-zy


*xz — Izx —



= JJJy{t)z{t)p{x{t))dV.

it(t) n(t)



Then we have relation (2.2.31), page 76, for rigid bodies:

CcM(t)=ICM(t)n(t), (2.2.42)

where CcM{t) is the column vector (LcMx(t), LcMy{t), LcMz(t))T, ft is

the column vector (wx{t), wy(t), uz(t))T, and


J-xx ~~±xy *xz \

-Iyx Iyy —IyZ I • (2.2.43)

•'zx ~*zy *zz /

The matrix IQM is called the moment of inertia matrix, or tensor of

inertia, of the rigid body TZ around the center of mass in the basis

(i, j, k). As in the case of a finite rigid system of points, there exists a

principal axes frame, in which the matrix ICM is diagonal, and the diag-

onal elements Ix,Iy,I*z are uniquely determined by mass density func-

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