The Mathematics of Arbitrage

(Tina Meador) #1
12.2 The Predictable Radon-Nikod ́ym Derivative 237

This shows thatCis continuous. Next we putφ=C (^1) [[ 0,Tn∧t]]and we find
thatE[C^2 Tn∧t] = 0. From this it follows that for alltwe have thatCt=0.
BecauseCis cadlag, this implies that the processCvanishes identically.
So far we proved that in a predictable waydA=ψdV.LetnowD+=
{ψ=1}and letD−=R+×Ω\D+. Both sets are predictable and from
ordinary measure theory we deduce thatAt=
0 (^1 D+−^1 D−)dV.Thisgives
us the desired Hahn-Jordan decomposition.
(iii) The third part is again standard, a constructive proof of Lebesgue’s
decomposition theorem. LetAandVbe given. As in ordinary measure theory
we decomposeAinto its positive and its negative part. Part (ii) shows that
this can be done in a predictable way. It is therefore sufficient to prove the
claim forAincreasing. We defineB=A+V. We now repeat the proof of
the second part and we find a predictableψ,0≤ψ≤1anddA=ψdB.
LetN={ψ=1}, a predictable set. We finddA=ψdA+ψdV.Asinthe
classical proof we deduce from this equality that∫ dA= (^1) NdA+φdVwhere
(^1) NdV=0andwhereφis predictable. 
Corollary 12.2.2.IfAandVare as in part (iii) of Theorem 12.2.1, ifdA
dVwith respect to the predictableσ-algebra, i.e. for each predictable setNthe

(^1) NdV =0implies that also

(^1) NdA=0, then for almost allω
the measuredA(ω)is absolutely continuous with respect todV(ω)onR+.
For applications in finance we need a vector measure generalisation of the
preceding results. The theory was developed by [J 79]. We need two kinds of
vector measures. The first kind is an ordinary vector measure taking values
inRd. The second kind is an operator-valued measure that takes values in
the set of all operators onRd; in daily language, in the space of alld×
dmatrices. Positive measures onR+are generalised as measures that take
values in the cone Pos(Rd) of all positive semi-definite operators onRd.In
this setting the variation processVbecomes a predictable, cadlag, increasing
processV:R+×Ω→Pos(Rd). On the set of all operators we put the nuclear
norm; for positive operators this simply means the trace of the operator. Let
nowλt=trace(Vt). The processλis predictable, cadlag and increasing. Again
we assumeV 0 =0,whichresultsinλ 0 =0.WehavethatdVdλin the sense
that all elements of the matrix function define measures that are absolutely
continuous with respect toλ. If we calculate the Radon-Nikod ́ym derivative
using dyadic approximations we see thatdV=σdλ,whereσis a predictable
process taking values in Pos(Rd).
For a positive operatorawe have that the rangeR(a) is invariant undera
and that onR(a) the operatorais invertible. If we definePaas the orthogonal
projection onR(a)weseethata−^1 =a−^1 ◦Pais a generalised inverse ofa.
More precisely we havea◦a−^1 :=a−^1 ◦a=Pa. The correspondence between
a,a−^1 andPacan be described in a Borel-measurable way. This is an easy
exercise but we promised to give details.

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