14.2 Sigma-martingales 281
Definition 14.2.1.AnRd-valued semi-martingale X =(Xt)t≥ 0 is called
a sigma-martingaleif there exists anRd-valued martingaleMand anM-
integrable predictableR+-valued processφsuch thatX=φ·M.
We refer to [E 80, Proposition 2] for several equivalent reformulations of
this definition and we now essentially reproduce the basic example given by
M.Emery [E 80, p. 152] which highlights the difference between the notion of ́
a martingale (or, more generally, a local martingale) and a sigma-martingale.
Example 14.2.2 ([E 80]). A sigma-martingale which is not a local martingale.
Let the stochastic base (Ω,F,P) be such that there are two independent
stopping timesTandUdefined on it, both having an exponential distribution
with parameter 1.
It is easy to verify thatM is almost surely well-defined and is indeed
a martingale with respect to the filtration (Ft)t∈R+ generated byM.The
deterministic (and therefore predictable) processφt=^1 t isM-integrable (in
the sense of Stieltjes) andX=φ·Mis well-defined:
T∧U fort≥T∧UandT=T∧U
−T∧^1 U fort≥T∧UandU=T∧U.
ButX fails to be a martingale asE[|Xt|]=∞, for allt>0, and it
is not hard to see thatXalso fails to be a local martingale (see [E 80]), as
E[|XT|]=∞for each stopping timeTthat is not identically zero. But, of
course,Xis a sigma-martingale.
We shall be interested in the class of semi-martingalesSwhichadmit an
equivalent measure under which they are a sigma-martingale. We shall present
an example of anR^2 -valued processS which admits an equivalent sigma-
martingale measure (which in fact is unique) but which does not admit an
equivalent local martingale measure. This example will be a slight extension
ofEmery’s example. ́
The reader should note that inEmery’s Example 14.2.2 above one may ́
replace the measurePby an equivalent measureQsuch thatX is a true
martingale underQ. For example, chooseQsuch that under this new measure
TandUare independent and distributed according to a lawμonR+such that
μis equivalent to the exponential law (i.e., equivalent to Lebesgue-measure
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