290 14 The FTAP for Unbounded Stochastic Processes
The Crucial Lemma 14.3.5.Let(E,E,π)be a probability measure space
and let(Fη)η∈Ebe a family of probability measures onRdsuch that the map
Let us assume thatF satisfies the property that for each measurable map
x:E→Rd,η→xηwith the property that for everyη∈Ewe have(xη,y)≥
− 1 ,forFηalmost everyy, we also have that
Letε:E→R+{ 0 }beE-measurable and strictly positive.
Then, we may find anE-measurable mapη→GηfromEto the probability
measures onB(Rd)such that, forπ-almost everyη∈E,
(i) Fη∼Gηand‖Fη−Gη‖<εη,
Proof.As observed above the setP(Rd) of probability measures onRd,en-
dowed with the weak-star topology is a Polish space. We will show that the set
(η, μ)
‖x‖dμ <∞;
is inE⊗B(P(Rd)). Since, by Lemma 14.3.4, for almost allη, the measureFη
satisfies the no-arbitrage assumption of Definition 14.3.3, we obtain that, for
almost allη, the vertical section is non-empty. We can therefore find a mea-
surable selectionGηand this will then end the proof.
The proof of the measurability property is easy but requires some argu-
First we observe that the setM={μ|
Rd‖x‖dμ <∞}is inB(P(R
This follows from the fact thatμ→
‖x‖dμis Borel-measurable as it is an
increasing limit of the weak-star continuous functionalsμ→
Next we observe thatM→Rd;μ→
Rdxdμis Borel-measurable.
The third observation is that{(η, μ)|‖μ−Fη‖<ε(η)}is inE⊗B(P(Rd)).
Finally we show that{(η, μ)|μ∼Fη}is also inE⊗B(P(Rd)). This will
then end the proof of the measurability property.
We take an increasing sequence of finiteσ-algebrasDnsuch thatB(Rd)
is generated by
nDn.Foreachnwe see that the mapping (η, μ, x) →
(x)=qn(η, μ, x)isE⊗B(P(Rd))⊗B(Rd)-measurable. The mapping
q(η, μ, x) = lim infqn(η, μ, x)
is clearlyE⊗B(P(Rd))⊗B(Rd)-measurable. By the martingale convergence
theorem we have that for eachμ, the mappingqdefines the Radon-Nikod ́ym
density of the part ofμthat is absolutely continuous with respect toFη.Now
we have that
{(η, μ)|μ∼Fη}
(η, μ)
q(η, μ, x)dFη(x) = 1; lim
(nq)∧ 1 dFη(x)=1
and this shows that{(η, μ)|μ∼Fη}is inE⊗B(P(Rd)).