15.2 Notations and Preliminaries 329
As a first application of the Kadeˇc-Pelczy ́nski decomposition we prove the
vector-valued Komlos-type theorem stated in the introduction:
Theorem 15.2.6.IfEis a reflexive Banach space and(fn)n≥ 1 abounded
sequence inL^1 (Ω,F,P;E)we may find convex combinations
andg 0 ∈L^1 (Ω,F,P;E)such that(gn)n≥ 1 converges tog 0 almost surely, i.e.,
‖gn(ω)−g 0 (ω)‖E=0, for a.e.ω∈Ω.
Proof.By the remark made above there is a subsequence, still denoted by
(fn)n≥ 1 as well as a sequence (An)n≥ 1 of mutually disjoint sets such that
the sequence‖fn‖ (^1) Acnis uniformly integrable. By a well-known theorem on
L^1 (Ω,F,P;E)ofareflexive space E, [DU 77], see also [DRS 93], the se-
quence (fn (^1) Acn)n≥ 1 is therefore relatively weakly compact inL^1 (Ω,F,P;E).
Therefore (see Theorem 15.1.2 above) there is a sequence of convex combi-
nationshn∈conv{fn (^1) Acn,fn+1 (^1) Acn+1,...},hn=
nfk^1 Acksuch that
hnconverges to a functiong 0 with respect to the norm ofL^1 (Ω,F,P;E).
Since the sequencefn (^1) An converges to zero a.s. we have that the sequence
nfkconverges tog^0 in probability. If needed one can take a fur-
ther subsequence that converges a.s., i.e.,‖gn(ω)−g 0 (ω)‖Etends to zero for
almost eachω.
The preceding theorem allows us to give an alternative proof of [K 96a,
Lemma 4.2].
Lemma 15.2.7.Let(Nn)n≥ 1 be a sequence of adapted cadl
ag stochastic pro-
cesses,N 0 n=0, such that
E[varNn]≤ 1 ,n∈N,
wherevarNndenotes the total variation of the processNn.
Then there is a sequenceRn∈conv{Nn,Nn+1...}and an adapted cadl
stochastic processZ=(Zt)t∈R+such that
E[varZ]≤ 1
and such that almost surely the measuredZt, defined on the Borel sets ofR+,
is the weak-star limit of the sequencedRnt. In particular we have that
Zt= lim
lim sup
Rsn= lim
lim inf
Proof.We start the proof with some generalities of functional analysis that
will allow us to reduce the statement to the setting of Theorem 15.1.4.
ThespaceoffinitemeasuresMon the Borel sets ofR+is the dual of
the spaceC 0 of continuous functions onR+ =[0,∞[, tending to zero at