336 15 A Compactness Principle
tends to zero in probability), we easily see thatMTnn tends to zero inL^1.
Doob’s maximum inequality then implies that
tends to zero in
probability. It is then obvious that also (Mn)∗tends to zero in probability.
tends to zero in probability and because this sequence
is uniformly integrable, we deduce that the sequence (Mn)Tntends to zero in
H^1. The sequenceMntherefore tends to zero in the semi-martingale topol-
Remark 15.4.2.The above corollary, together with Theorem 15.2.14, show
thatMntends to zero inHp(i.e., (Mn)∗tends to zero inLp)andinhp
(i.e., [Mn,Mn]
∞tends to zero inLp)foreachp<1. For continuous local
martingales, however,Hpandhpare the same.
Remark 15.4.3.That we actually need that the sequenceMnis bounded in
H^1 , and not just inL^1 , is illustrated in the followingnegativeresult.
Lemma 15.4.4.Suppose that (Mn)n≥ 1 is a sequence of continuous, non-
negative, uniformly integrable martingales such thatM 0 n=1and such that
M∞n→ 0 in probability. Then‖Mn‖H 1 →∞.
we easily see that limn→∞P[σn<∞]=^1 β. It follows from the Davis’ inequal-
ity that limn→∞‖Mn‖H^1 ≥climn→∞
0 P[σn>β]dβ=∞.
Remark 15.4.5.There are two cases where Theorem 15.A can easily be gener-
alised to the setting ofH^1 -martingales with jumps. Let us describe these two
cases separately. The first case is when the set
{∆Mσn|n≥ 1 ,σa stopping time}
is uniformly integrable. Indeed, using the same definition of the stopping times
Tnwe arrive at the estimate
Because of the hypothesis on the uniform integrability of the jumps and by the
selection of the sequenceβnwe may conclude that the sequence
n≥ 1
is relatively weakly compact inH^1. The corollary generalises in the same way.
The other generalisation is when the set
{M∞n|n≥ 1 }