Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad exercise program

tion five to ten times. It can be done anywhere there is a
wall, from the inside of an airplane to the side of your car.
This is a great way to keep your lower back loose. If you sit
all day, do wall yoga every half-hour or hour throughout
the day, with five to twenty pumping actions alternating
between flexion and extension. Just three to five minutes
one to three times daily can make a world of difference in
your back health. Remember: if it hurts your back don’t
do it—pain is no gain with backs!

¾ Shoulder Walk: Hold onto a door jamb or put your palm
flat on the wall, with fingers pointed in the same direction
as the arm that you are using (right arm, fingers point-
ing to your right; left arm, fingers pointing to the left) at
shoulder level with arms extended. Slowly turn your tor-
so away from the direction of your arm so you stretch the
front part of your shoulder socket. Keep turning gently
your total torso away from the arm that is placed palm-
flat against the wall until you feel a nice stretch. Then
switch arms and turn the other way, stretching the other

¾ Gently, with legs straight (or one straight and one slightly
bent), bend forward from the waist, and try to touch your
toes or come close. Do not strain or curl your back. Then
come up with hands on hips and arch backward with feet
planted. Tilt the pelvis forward and head backward with
an arch in your back that is a comfortable stretch (no
pain). Hold five to ten times, and repeat gently.

¾ Do something at least daily, or preferably several times
per day, for your back. Daily exercises and stretches, even
for five minutes a day, can keep a “bad back” a non-issue.

¾ Lay down for five to ten minutes on the floor with your
legs from the back of your knees to your heels resting on
a chair (or cushions) while you lay with back flat on the
ground and your knees and hips at ninety degrees. Just
rest. This is one of the simplest and most effective back
relieving techniques. You don’t have to do anything. Just
lay in that position.

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