Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
appendix b

these studies: vitamin E with mixed tocopherols and tocot-
rienols, beta carotene with mixed carotenoids, magnesium,
N-acetylcysteine, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, MSM, glu-
cosamine HCL, pycnogenol, resveratrol, ginger and tumeric,
pomegranate, and concord grape juice, etc.)

Fasting: The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Fasting is the ultimate anti-inflammatory diet. It allows your
immune system and gastrointestinal tract to “rest.” When this oc-
curs, inflammation is dramatically reduced and many body com-
plaints disappear. There may be some elimination of toxins. Many
times, there is a dramatic reversal of chronic disease.
Your G.I. tract is the largest surface area in your body and has
an immune system all its own called GALT (gut activated lymphoid
tissue). With chronic immune activation, inflammatory chemicals
are released that can cause pain, swelling, and irritation anywhere
in the body—anywhere! If this G.I. surface becomes more porous,
the medical term is “increased intestinal permeability.” Things
that would normally not get absorbed do, because you have bigger
(microscopic) holes in your gut that allow all kinds of substances
from your gut—such as bacteria, fungi, partially digested food par-
ticles, toxic metabolites from bacteria, and fungi-eating undigested
food that come into the bowel and other metabolites (organic ac-
ids)—to be reabsorbed into your circulation and cause problems
anywhere in your body, not just in your gut. These problems can
include headaches, joint and muscle pain, lethargy, foggy thinking,
etc. Some of these same metabolites can be measured in a sophis-
ticated test for body biochemistry called an organic acid test. A
morning urine test for organic acids done by an experienced lab
(Metametrix, Genova Diagnostics, Doctor’s Data, or Great Plains
Laboratories; see Resources and Organizations) can give a wealth
of information regarding true body biochemistry.
There are many serious inflammatory or autoimmune condi-
tions that, with appropriate implementation of fasting with water,
juice, vegetable broth, or even just an intake of only fruit, vegeta-

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