Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1


The rate of diffusion of gases, according to Graham's law, is

inversely proportioned to the square root of the densities. Thus

the ammonia in the mixture will diffuse —7=^- or 1.5 times as fast



as the hydrogen chloride, and at each end the gas which diffuses

through the plugs contains at first an excess of ammonia. The

residual gas in the middle is left with an excess of HC1, and when

this gas is finally expelled by heat the moist litmus at each end

turns red.

8. Hydrolysis of Ammonium Salts. Boil for some time

a solution of ammonium sulphate to which has been added

a few drops of blue litmus solution. Pass the vapors into a

flask of water containing a few drops of red litmus. The

litmus in the boiling flask slowly turns red. The litmus in

the flask in which the vapors are condensed turns blue.

The neutral salt of a base as strong as ammonium hydroxide is

practically not hydrolyzed at all in cold water, certainly not enough

to show by the litmus test. Water at 100° is ionized about ten

times as much as at ordinary temperature and consequently the

hydrolysis of the ammonium sulphate is increased:

2NH 4 + SO 4 ""



2NH4OH ?± 2NH3 + 2H2O

Even at 100° the hydrolysis is practically negligible except that

one hydrolysis product, NH 4 0H, is volatile, whereas the other,

H2SO4, is non-volatile. Thus, since a minute amount of ammonia

passes over with the steam, before long the accumulation of

NH4OH in the condensing flask turns litmus blue, and the residue

of H2SO4 in the boiling flask likewise shows its presence there.



1. Make a table of the elements of Group I, Family A, includ-

ing lithium and sodium, giving in succeeding columns: (1) the

symbol of the element; (2) its valence in its compounds; (3) the

formula of the oxide; (4) the formula of the hydroxide; (5) the

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