Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1

This preparation is to be attempted only if 4 consecutive
hours are available in the laboratory, and even then, the apparatus
should be assembled at a previous exercise.
Fit up a chlorine generator with a 2,000-cc. flask in which place
33 per cent in excess of the calculated quantity of manganese
dioxide. The gas is to be passed through first one wash bottle
containing water, and then two wash bottles containing concen-
trated sulphuric acid. Place 119 grams of feathered tin in a tubu-
lated retort, and place the retort on a sand bath. The neck of the
retort should pass into a long condenser which should empty
into a 250-cc. distilling flask, in which has been placed some tin
foil. Connect the side-arm of the flask with a bottle containing
sodium hydroxide solution to absorb the waste chlorine. The tube
GeneratorChlorine Water 6-N NaOH
Fro. 24
entering the bottle should not dip into the liquid, but should reach
down to near its surface; a safety tube should be supplied, and
the exit tube should dip into a solution of sodium hydroxide in
another bottle. Into the retort should be fitted the tube supply-
ing chlorine from the generator and wash bottles, and this should
reach nearly to the center of the surface of the tin, which is to be
melted before the action is started. Glass tubing is to be used
throughout, and where connections are made with rubber the
ends of the glass tubes should be brought close together. Before
beginning to generate the chlorine, the whole apparatus must be
proved to be tight, so that none of this gas can escape into the
Procedure: Melt the tin. Commence the generation of chlorine,
and regulate it so that the tin in the retort can be seen to burn

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