Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1

Articles which have a limited use are indicated by the experiment (E) or
preparation (P) number for which they are required. Articles in the desk
equipment are indicated by *. Roman numerals refer to chapters.

Anvil and hammer P. 59, 66, 72
Asbestos paper P. 13, 35
Balance, analytical, sensitive to 0.01
gram E. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, P. 17
Balance, Trip
Bath, sand, iron 6-inch P. 27, 43,
Beaker, 150 cc.
Beaker, 250 cc.
Beaker, 400 cc.
Beaker, 600 cc.
•Block, test tube
Boat, porcelain, 88 mm. E. 4
Bottle, tincture, common, 1-pint
E. 6,P. 16
Bottle, wide mouth, common 2 oz.
Bottle, wide mouth, common 4 oz.
Bottle, wide mouth, common 8 oz.
Bottle, wide mouth, common |
Bottle, tincture, glass stopper 8 oz.
E. 6, P. 7
Bottle, wide mouth, glass stopper, 2
oz. P. 52, 53
Bottle, wide mouth, glass stopper, 4
oz. P. 62
Bottle, Woulff, 3 neck, 500 cc. P. 7,
•Brush, test tube
Bulb, Dumas, 250 cc. E. 5 (Note 1)
Burette, plain 50 cc. E. 6, P. 16, 17
Burner, furnace P. 10, 11, 20, 22, 59,
Burner, Bunsen
Burner, ring P. 48
Burner, wingtop
Casserole, 150 cc. P. 48, 52, 55
Casserole, 750 cc. P. 1, 55
"Clamp, burette, small
*Clamp, test tube holder

Condenser, Liebig, 36-inch P. 44
Condenser, phosphoric acid P. 52
Conductivity apparatus Chapter III
Connector, brass P. 17
Cork borers, sizes 1-3
Crucible, clay, with cover, 30 gram,
3| X 3|-inch, P. 10, 11, 20, 22, 59
Crucible, clay, with cover, size I,
4| X 51-inch, P. 66, 72
Crucible, porcelain, with cover, 15 cc.
Crucible, porcelain, with cover, 100 cc.
P. 39
Crucible, iron, with cover, 400 cc.
P. 61, 71
"Cylinder, graduated 50 cc.
Cylinder, graduated 500 cc. E. 6,
P. 62, 73
Desiccator 6-inch P. 25
Dish, crystallizing, 4-inch
Dish, crystallizing, 8-inch
*Dish, evaporating, porcelain, 4-inch
*Dish, evaporating, porcelain, 8-inch
Electrode, carbon, \ X 6-inch, P. 17
Electrode, copper, spiral, about 13
gauge wire, P. 17
Electrode, iron, spiral, about 18
gauge wire, P. 17
File, round
*File, triangular
Flask, distilling, 125 cc. P. 26, 45, 54
Flask, distilling, 250 cc. P. 44
*Flask, Erlenmeyer, 300 cc. E. 6,
P. 16, 17, 19
*Flask, filtering, 500 cc.
Flask, fiat bottom, 300 cc.
*Flask, fiat bottom, 500 cc.
Flask, fiat bottom, 1000 cc. P. 56
Flask, round bottom, 2000 cc. P. 7,
15, 18, 24, 51
*Forceps, iron
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