Start Where You Are

(Dana P.) #1

17 Compassionate Action


ow do we help? How do we create a saner
world or a saner domestic situation or job situ-
ation, wherever we may be? How do we work with
our actions and our speech and our minds in a way
that opens up the space rather than closes it down?
In other words, how do we create space for other
people and ourselves to connect with our own wis-
dom? How do we create a space where we can find
out how to become more a part of this world we are
living in and less separate and isolated and afraid?
How do we do that?
It all starts with loving-kindness for oneself, which
in turn becomes loving-kindness for others. As the
barriers come down around our own hearts, we are
less afraid of other people. We are more able to hear
what is being said, see what is in front of our eyes,
and work in accord with what happens rather than
struggle against it. The lojong teachings say that the
way to help, the way to act compassionately, is to ex-
change oneself for other. When you can put yourself
in someone else’s shoes, then you know what is
needed, and what would speak to the heart.
I recently received a letter from a friend in which

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