Start Where You Are

(Dana P.) #1

one day’s activities can be painful, but you may end
up respecting yourself more, because you see that a
lot happened; you weren’t just one way. As Carl Jung
said at the end of his life, “I am astonished, disap-
pointed, pleased with myself. I am distressed, de-
pressed, rapturous. I am all these things at once and
cannot add up the sum.”
So that’s the big squeeze. Although you listen to all
these teachings, and you have all these practices as a
support, somehow it has to become real for you. It
has to be digested by you. The teachings and prac-
tices are like orange juice concentrate—that thick or-
ange stuff in the can—and life is like the water. You
have to mix it all together. Then you have good orange
juice that you can bring out in a big pitcher for every-
one to drink. And even though it came out of a can,
you know that it’s truly freshly squeezed.

The Big Squeeze 189
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