Start Where You Are

(Dana P.) #1
3 Pulling Out the Rug


s I said before, the main instruction is sim-
ply to lighten up. By taking that attitude toward
one’s practice and one’s life, by taking that more gen-
tle and appreciative attitude toward oneself and oth-
ers, the sense of burden that all of us carry around
begins to decrease.

The next slogan is “Examine the nature of unborn
awareness.” The real intention of this slogan is to pull
the rug out from under you in case you think you un-
derstood the previous slogan. If you feel proud of
yourself because of how you really understood that
everything is like a dream, then this slogan is here to
challenge that smug certainty. It’s saying, “Well, who
is this anyway who thinks that they discovered that
everything is like a dream?”
“Examine the nature of unborn awareness.” Who
is this “I”? Where did it come from? Who is the one
who realizes anything? Who is it who’s aware? This
slogan points to the transparency of everything, in-
cluding our beloved identity, this precious M-E.Who
is this me?
The armor we erect around our soft hearts causes

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