Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

280 Higher Engineering Mathematics

  1. Find the angle between the velocity vectors
    υ 1 = 5 i+ 2 j+ 7 kandυ 2 = 4 i+j−k.

  2. Calculate the work done by a force
    F=(− 5 i+j+ 7 k)N when its point of appli-
    cation moves from point(− 2 i− 6 j+k)mto
    the point(i−j+ 10 k)m. [53Nm]

26.3 Vector products

A second product of two vectors is called thevectoror
cross productand is defined in terms of its modulus
and the magnitudes of the two vectors and the sine of
the angle between them. The vector product of vectors
oaandobis written asoa×oband is defined by:

|oa×ob|=oa obsinθ

whereθis the angle between the two vectors.
The direction ofoa×obis perpendicular to bothoaand
ob, as shown in Fig. 26.9.

(a) (b)








Figure 26.9

The direction is obtained by considering that a right-
handed screw is screwed alongoa×obwith its head
at the origin and if the direction ofoa×obis cor-
rect, the head should rotate fromoatoob,asshown
in Fig. 26.9(a). It follows that the direction ofob×oa
is as shown in Fig. 26.9(b). Thusoa×obis not equal to
ob×oa. The magnitudes ofoa obsinθare the same but
their directions are 180◦displaced, i.e.
The vector product of two vectors may be expressed in
terms of the unit vectors. Let two vectors,aandb,be
such that:
a=a 1 i+a 2 j+a 3 kand
b=b 1 i+b 2 j+b 3 k


a×b=(a 1 i+a 2 j+a 3 k)×(b 1 i+b 2 j+b 3 k)

=a 1 b 1 i×i+a 1 b 2 i×j

+a 1 b 3 i×k+a 2 b 1 j×i+a 2 b 2 j×j

+a 2 b 3 j×k+a 3 b 1 k×i+a 3 b 2 k×j

+a 3 b 3 k×k

But by the definition of a vector product,


Alsoi×i=j×j=k×k=( 1 )( 1 )sin 0◦=0.
Remembering thata×b=−b×agives:

a×b=a 1 b 2 k−a 1 b 3 j−a 2 b 1 k+a 2 b 3 i

+a 3 b 1 j−a 3 b 2 i

Grouping thei,jandkterms together, gives:

a×b=(a 2 b 3 −a 3 b 2 )i+(a 3 b 1 −a 1 b 3 )j

+(a 1 b 2 −a 2 b 1 )k

The vector product can be written in determinant
form as:


∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
a 1 a 2 a 3
b 1 b 2 b 3

∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣


The 3×3 determinant

∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
a 1 a 2 a 3
b 1 b 2 b 3

∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣

is evaluated as:


a 2 a 3
b 2 b 3


a 1 a 3
b 1 b 3


a 1 a 2
b 1 b 2


a 2 a 3
b 2 b 3

∣=a^2 b^3 −a^3 b^2 ,

a 1 a 3
b 1 b 3

∣=a^1 b^3 −a^3 b^1 and

a 1 a 2
b 1 b 2

∣=a^1 b^2 −a^2 b^1

The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors can
be found by expressing it in scalar product form and
then using the relationship

a•b=a 1 b 1 +a 2 b 2 +a 3 b 3
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