1984 AND AFTER..
edited by
Marsha Hewitt and
Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos
With the ominous year of 1984 in mind as a social reality
more than a calendar year, this collection of essays brings
together some of the most distinguished contemporary critics
of authoritarian tendencies in our society. The historical,
political and intellectual problems that gave rise to Orwell’s
great book are examined with viewpoints spanning the gamut
of serious opinion. The authors offer a fresh and provocative
analysis of authoritarianism and its libertarian alternatives.
Contributors include George Woodcock, Murray Bookchin,
Noam Chomsky, Frank Harrison, Stephen Schecter. Jean
Ellezam, Jean-Pierre Deslauriers, Yolandc Cohen, Claire
Culhane, John Clark, and Robert Mayo.
200 pages
Paperback ISBN: 0-920057-29-2 $ 12.95
Hardcover ISBN: 0-920057-28-4 $22.95
C urrent A ffairs/P olitics