Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
Abraham 124, 145, 204
actaof martyrs 189
Acts of Polycarp216; anti-Jewish
agenda 106
Acts of the Apostles65–6, 74, 115,
117–18, 123, 125–41, 151, 154
Africa 155, 156; see alsoCarthage;
Cyprian, bp of Carthage;
Donatists; Tertullian
agendas: of modern scholars 7–8,
17–22, 31–2, 55–63, 93, 94–5,
142, 170, 183–5, 226
Akhmim, Egypt: Gospel of Peterat
182;see alsoNag Hammadi
Alexamenos, Roman Christian 206
Alexander Severus, emp. 190, 196,

Alexandria 114, 139, 143, 155; see
alsoArius; Athanasius, bp of
Alexandria; Demetrius, bp of
Alexandria; Egypt; George, bp of
Alfred the Great 45
Ambrose, bp of Milan 43, 47, 208
Ammianus Marcellinus 208
anthropology: and study of religion
28–33;see alsosocial-scientific
Antioch in Pisidia 133–6, 141
Antoninus Pius, emp. 189
Aphrodisias 194
apocrypha: Christian 74–6, 159;
Jewish 84–5, 103; see alsoNag
Hammadi library;


Chapter 5


Note: the following abbreviations have been used.
bp = bishop emp. = emperor
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