TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-44
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 44 (Answer Keys)
    Job Interview

A1 Tell us something about your background in the engineering industry?
answer: (b) background
A2 I see from your application form that you have had three different jobs in the last 5 years.
answer: (d) application
A3 What sort of period of time would you stay with us if we offered you the job?
answer: (c) period
A4 Describe how you would describe yourself in five years' time.
answer: (d) yourself
A5 Give us some idea of what you believe are your strengths and weaknesses.
answer: (b) strengths
A6 As this is a managerial post, we must ask you how you deal with bad time keeping or unpunctuality in an
answer: (c) time
A7 Imagine one of your staff loses her temper and shouts at you in front of others, how would you deal with this?
answer: (d) deal
A8 What would you say to a member of your staff who always handed his work in late?
answer: (b) handed
A9 I should explain that we would naturally honour any previous holiday arrangements you have made.
answer: (d) honour
A10 Finally now that we've asked you several questions, do you want to put any to us?
answer: (b) put

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