TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-58
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 58
    Planning a Business

Q1 It is essential before starting a business to work on a plan to ....... problems later on.
(a) escape (b) endure (c) avoid (d) enter
Q2 The biggest ....... in business can be eliminated if you have sufficient capital to start with.
(a) scene (b) risk (c) encounter (d) harm
Q3 Even when the economic situation is ......., there is always present the need for planning in a new business.
(a) mighty (b) huge (c) hefty (d) strong
Q4 Whatever happens in the future there is absolutely no ....... for good market research before you launch a new
(a) consideration (b) criterion (c) substitute (d) contemplation
Q5 Your ....... concern is naturally the plan but don't forget your capital or your premises.
(a) firstly (b) primary (c) primarily (d) initially
Q6 When people are considering whether to loan your new business a substantial sum, they are going to .......
your potential.
(a) encompass (b) evolve (c) evaluate (d) enquire
Q7 It is worthwhile ....... as much market research information as possible before you work out your plan.
(a) including (b) snatching (c) grabbing (d) gathering
Q8 Her next task was to have a meeting with the bank manager to ....... that she had a secure enough plan to
warrant a loan.
(a) declare (b) demonstrate (c) state (d) announce
Q9 There are certain weaknesses in your plan that need to be ....... urgently if you are to succeed.
(a) affixed (b) acquired (c) addressed (d) attended
Q10 Since the start of the business many new ideas have ....... out of the original plan.
(a) developed (b) shown (c) gained (d) built

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