Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

A Note on Transliteration,

Punctuation, and Abbreviations

I use modified Library of Congress transliteration of Russian—in mod-

ern orthography—with one exception: men’s names ending in -ii are

written as such in the notes (Belinskii) but changed to the more familiar

-y (Belinsky) in the text. The reader will notice that many of the poems

cited include the Romantic device of suspension points—three un-

spaced dots intimating the ineffable—which in the translations appear

as three spaced dots without brackets. Suspension points should not be

confused with ellipses—the three or four spaced dots in brackets indi-

cating that I have left out part of the text.

The following abbreviations are used for archival sources:

PD Institut russkoi literatury RAN (Pushkinskii dom)
RGALI Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv literatury i iskusstva
RNB(OR) Rossiiskaia natsional’naia biblioteka (Otdel rukopisei)

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