Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

military life, influence on Russian
men poets, 31
Mil’keev, Evgenii, 4 , 169 , 171 , 172–3;
and Belinsky, 173 ; literary repu-
tation, 173 ; and Pavlova, 173 ; and
Zhukovsky, 35 , 170 , 171 , 173
Miller, Fedor, 4 , 169 , 170. Works:
“Rusalka: Ballada,” 241 n. 39
Milton, John: Paradise Lost, 19 , 93
modesty: Byron, 101 ; Khvoshchin-
skaia, 119 ; and men writers, 101 ;
Pushkin, 101 ; topos, 10
Mordovtsev, Daniil, 22
Mordovtseva, Anna, 4 , 5 , 221 n. 10 ;
descriptions of physical appear-
ance, 264 n. 15 ; marriage and ca-
reer, 22–23; and militarism, 42 ,
73 ; and pseudonyms, 45. Works:
“Ballada,” 73 ; “Opiat’ vsia v
chernom,” 43 ; Staraia skazka, 43 ,
70 , 203–14; “Vzglianula na sad
ia,” 53 , 80
Moskaleva, Vera Aleksandrovna, 115 ,
Moskovitianin, 33 , 67 , 173
Moskovskii vestnik, 33
mourning and gender, 75–76, 77
muses: absence of, 44 ; androgynous,
43 ; Apollo, 43 , 44 ; Diana, 44 ; in
elegies, 75 ; female, 43 , 44 ; male,
42 , 44 , 236 n. 15 ; in noncanonical
men’s poetry, 279 n. 7 ; in Roman-
ticism, 3 , 37. See alsoantimuses
myth in Romanticism, 3 , 4

Nadezhdin, Nikolai Ivanovich, 33
narrative pleasure, 35 , 15–16
nature, 49–54; as female, 49–51, 52 ,
240 n.33, 241n. 38; as male,
241 n. 39 ; in noncanonical men’s
poetry, 241 n. 38 ; and Romanti-
cism, 3 , 4 , 37 ; in women’s poetry,
Nekrasov, Nikolai, 135
neoclassicism, 59
Nicholas I, 126 , 133 ; and Ros-
topchina, 89 , 94 , 257 n. 31

Nikitenko, Aleksander: and Maikov,
35 ; and Pavlova, 139 ; and Sovre-
mennik, 33
noncanonical men poets, 4 , 167–74;
interpretive strategies, 172 ; and
muses, 279 n. 7 ; poetical prac-
tices, 170–72; prayers, 249 n. 51 ;
social conditions, 169–70; and
women poets, 170

ode, 82
Odoevsky, Vladimir: and Ros-
topchina, 94
Osgood, Frances Sargent, 109
Ossian poems, 39 , 59
Other: Eastern, 65 , 274 n. 33 ; female,
16 , 27 , 49 , 68 ; male, 83 , 240 n. 32 ;
provincial, 171 , 172
otryvki iz poemy(excerpts from a nar-
rative poem), 5 , 64 , 220 n. 9

Panaev, Ivan: and Pavlova, 139 ,
228 n. 7 , 270 n. 13
Parny, Evariste Désiré de Forges, 33
Paskhalov, Nikandr, 22
Pavlov, Nikolai, 8–9, 22 , 137 , 139 ; ar-
rest, 143 ; marriage, 22 , 142
Pavlova, Karolina (née Jaenisch), 4 , 5 , 6 ,
137–66; and Aksakov, 272 n. 19 ;
and Baratynsky, 11 , 67–68, 144 , 146 ;
and Belinsky, 142 , 272 n. 19 ; and
Berg, 139 ; and Clairmont, 270 n. 11 ;
cross gender poems, 147 ; and
Daszkiewicz, 141 ; depictions of
nature in, 53 ; depictions of society,
256 n. 20 ; descriptions of her phys-
ical appearance, 141 , 271 n. 14 ; and
the extraordinary woman, 155 ,
156 , 158 , 161 , 166 ; and Fet,
273 n. 27 ; and genre, 66–67, 148–
49 ; and Goethe, 141 ; and Grig-
orovich, 139 ; and implied reader,
48 , 147–48, 239 n. 31 ; and Ivan
Kireevsky, 271 n. 15 ; languages,
140 , 141 ; literary reputation, 8–9,
12 , 137 , 145 ; literary social capital,
140–43, 144 ; and male muse, 42 ,

302 Index

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