Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

radical critics, 96 , 97 , 121 , 144 , 173
Raich, Semen, 33
Rakhmannyi. SeeVe revkin
reception: of noncanonical men po-
ets, 172–73; of Russian women
poets, 85 , 167 ; of Russian
women writers, 24–27. See also
Garelina; Gotovtseva;
Khvoshchinskaia; Pavlova;
recovery of Russian women writers,
12. See alsoPavlova
Revolutions of 1848 : and
Khvoshchinskaia, 129 , 133 ; and
Rostopchina, 257 n. 31
Romantic aesthetic and gender, 15 , 17
romantic friendships, 118
romanticheskaia poema (Romantic po-
ema), 62–66; gender norms, 62–
63 , 64–65
Romanticism, 3 , 4 , 82 , 83 ; and gender,
5 , 37 , 47 ; as a male institution, 3–
4 , 7 , 37 , 56 , 85–86; in Russia, 3 ,
219 n. 1
Romantic literary conventions, 38–56
Romantic lyric, 81–85
Romantic poema. See romanticheskaia
Romantic themes and gender, 82–84
Rostopchin, Andrei, 91–92, 94 , 255 n. 13
Rostopchin, Fedor Vasilevich, 91
Rostopchina, Evdokiia, 4 , 5 , 29 , 41 ,
88– 111 ; and Aleksandra Fe-
dorovna, Empress, 94 , 95 ; and
Alexander II, 94 ; and Belinsky,
45 , 93 , 97 , 101 , 256 n. 28 , 260 n. 50 ;
and Chernyshevsky, 100 ; child-
hood, 92 ; and Decembrists, 95 ,
97 , 106 ; descriptions of her phys-
ical appearance, 90–91; and Du-
mas, 95 ; education, 93 ; and
Gogol’, 89 ; initiation into litera-
ture, 88 ; and Andrei Karamzin,
92 , 96 , 100 ; languages, 93 ; and
Lermontov, 90 , 101 ; literary rep-
utation, 8 , 12 , 91 , 96–105; mar-
riage and career, 22 ; and

Nicholas I, 89 , 94 , 257 n. 31 ; and
Odoevsky, 94 ; and personae, 45–
46 ; and Pletnev, 97 ; as poet,
259 n. 44 ; as poetess, 91 , 102–3,
105–9, 259 n. 44 ; in her poetry,
108–9, 249 n. 47 ; political views,
96 , 97 , 257 n. 31 ; and pseudo-
nyms, 45 ; and Pushkin, 90 , 97 ,
106 , 108–9; reception, 96–97, 99–
100 , 256 n. 28 ; salon, 90 , 94 , 95 ;
and Sollogub, 233 n. 38 ; and Vi-
azemsky, 35 ; views on women,
106 ; and Zhukovsky, 108–9.
Works: “Baiu-baiu,” 98 , 107 ;
“Chernovaia kniga Pushkina,”
108–9; Dnevnik devuskhi, 16 , 52 ,
101 , 110 , 261 n. 60 ; “Iskushenie,”
98 , 107–8; “Kak dolzhny pisat’
zheshchiny,” 40 , 97–98; “Kak liu-
bat zhenshchiny,” 47 ; “Moia
igrushka,” 98 , 101 ; “Nasil’nyi
brak,” 89–90, 94 , 95 , 97 , 106 ; “Ne-
godovanie,” 98 , 106 ; “Neizvest-
nyi roman,” 55 , 100 , 107 ; “Ot po-
eta k tsariam,” 106 ; “Poslednii
tsvetok,” 98 , 101 ; “Ravnodush-
noi,” 256 n. 28 ; “Talisman,” 88 ;
“Tsirk 19 -ogo veka,” 93 ; “Vmesto
predisloviia,” 95–96
Rostopchina, Lidiia, 89 , 92
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: education of
women, 86
rusalka(water spirit), 231 n. 25 ; in Ba-
kunina, 29 , 181 ; in Kol’tsov,
238 n. 26 ; in Miller, 238 n. 39 ; in
Pushkin, 49–50; in Zhadovskaia,

salons, 30 , 139–40; Elagina, 139–40,
141 ; Fuks, 139 ; and gender, 35–
36 , 138–39, 233 n. 38 ; hostesses,
35 , 36 ; Pavlova, 139 , 142–44; Ros-
topchina, 139 ; Volkonskaia,
Saltykova, Sof’ia, 23
Sand, George, 24 , 30
Sappho, 38 , 39 , 112 , 235 nn. 7 , 8

304 Index

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