Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

universality and gender, 103
university: influence on Russian men
poets, 33–34; Moscow, 33–34;
Saint Petersburg, 33–34. See also

vakkhicheskie pesni(Bacchic songs),
32–33, 38 , 234 n. 1
Ve revkin, N. N.: “Zhenshchina
pisatel’nitsa,” 25
verse epic. See poema
verse epistle. See druzheskoe poslanie
verse tales. See povesti v stikhakh
Viazemsky, Petr: and Gotovtseva, 35 ,
45 , 230 n. 24 ; on personae, 45 ;
and Pushkin, 230 n. 24 ; on the
Romantic Movement in Russia,
59–60; and Rostopchina, 35 , 88 ,
94 , 97 , 101
Volkonskaia, Zinaida, 149 ; and
Alexander I, 141 ; salon, 141
Voltaire: La Pucelle, 151 , 275 n. 42

water spirit. See rusalka
woman question.See zhenskii vopros
women readers, Russian, 239 n. 29
women, social conditions: Europe,
15–17, 86 ; Russia, 15–17, 21–37
women’s position in society. See
polozhenie zhenshchiny
women’s sphere, 16 , 26–30, 47
Woolf, Virginia, 16
Wordsworth, William, 44 , 59 , 220 n. 4.
Works: The Prelude, 45
writing as a woman, 45 , 147 , 279 n. 8

Zaionchkovsky, Ivan, 22 , 115 , 118 ,
Zhadovskaia, Iuliia, 4 , 5 , 16 , 29 ; and
Belinsky, 35 ; depiction of

women, 28 ; marriage and career,
22 ; and personae, 46 ; reception,
27–28, 231 n. 25. Works: “Kto
mne rodnia?,” 41 ; “Nikto ne vi-
novat,” 55 ; “Otryvki iz
neokonchennogo rasskaza,” 69 ;
“P[erevleskomu],” 10–11; “Pose-
shchenie,” 69 ; “Rusalka,” 52 ;
“Sovet,” 53 ; “Ty menia poz-
abudesh’ ne skoro,” 46 ; “Ty
skoro menia pozabudesh’,” 46 ;
“Videnie proroka Ieziekiila,” 41
zhenskii vopros(woman question), 8 ,
158 , 276 n. 46. See also polozhenie
Zhukovsky, Vasilii: and the ballad,
71–72, 246 n. 35 ; and Baratynsky,
34 ; as bard, 71 ; and Elegina, 140 ;
and the elegy, 74–75; and Nikolai
Karamzin, 34 ; and Khomiakov,
34 ; and Kol’tsov, 35 , 233 n. 35 ;
and Lermontov, 34 ; and Mil’-
keev, 35 , 170 , 171 , 173 ; and
Pushkin, 34 ; and Rostopchina,
108–9; and Schiller, 41 ; and
Southey, 72 ; and Tiutchev, 34 ;
and Zrazhevskaia, 35. Works:
“Adel’stan,” 71 ; “Ballada v ko-
toroi opisyvaetsia kak odna
starushka,” 72 , 73 ; “Liudmila,”
Zotov, Vladimir, 116 , 121 , 123 , 135 ; as
Khvoshchinskaia’s mentor, 39 ,
121–22; and Literaturnaia gazeta,
114 , 120 ; rewrites Khvoshchin-
skaia’s poetry, 6 , 122–30, 132–33,
135 , 136
Zrazhevskaia, Aleksandra, 29 ,
230 n. 16 ; and Zhukovsky, 35
Zvezdochka, 141 , 229 n. 15

306 Index

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