Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

referred to as the "non-transferrability of God's attributes."
Something or someone else cannot be said to be inherently
and essentially what only God exclusively is. We must not
attribute an attribute of God to ourselves, another person,
an object, an idea, or an activity, for in so doing we deify
such and make it an idol.
The Christian assertion that "God is good" is made in
reference to His other revealed attributes that may be used
adverbially to explain His goodness. God is essentially,
inherently, intrinsically, constitutionally, absolutely,
perfectly, ultimately, singularly, autonomously,
independently, exclusively, supremely, sovereignly, totally,
wholly, uniquely, personally, eternally, really good. Thus
we clarify and qualify what we mean when we say "God is
good." The verb "is" is employed as the third person
singular of "to be." God is the being, the essence of all
goodness; the reality, the nature of all goodness. God
constitutes and comprises goodness. God establishes
goodness. These are underlying meanings of our Christian
assertion that "God is good."
The verb "to be" has other meanings in the English
language, which if thus interpreted in the statement "God is
good" would lead to moral and ethical standards contrary to

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