Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Christian has received the presence of God, the life of Jesus
Christ, within his/her spirit at regeneration, constituting the
restoration of God's intent for His human creation. Any
connection of God's goodness to man's spiritual condition
or behavioral expression is only by the spiritual reception
of the life of Jesus Christ by faith. Jesus said, "No man
cometh unto the Father, but by Me" (John 14:6). We might
adapt that to read, "No man cometh unto Goodness, but by
Some clarifications need to be made at the outset as we
consider how God's goodness is connected to the Christian:
When we become Christians and receive the Good-One,
the God-One, Jesus Christ, into our spirit, this is not to
imply that we become good, and now are good, for we have
already asserted that only "God is good." Scripture does
indicate that the Roman Christians were "full of goodness"
(Rom. 15:14); that Christians are "made perfect" (Heb.
12:23); and that we "become the righteousness of God in
Him" (II Cor. 5:21). But to indicate that we are made, that
we become, that we are good, perfect, righteous, holy etc.
must be done within the context of the presence of God in
Christ. When reference is made to becoming good, being
made good, righteous or holy, this is never to say that we

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