Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Thus we proceed to further amplify that Jesus Christ is
the sole source of all good behavior in the Christian. Jesus
is the sole source of the knowledge of good behavior. Jesus
is the sole source of the enacting of good behavior, being
the expression of God's character of goodness.
Goodness is known and activated only by God's grace.
Grace is "God's activity consistent with His character."
The only way we can know the goodness of God, in the
awareness of His attributes and character, and in the
knowledge of how God in Christ wishes to express His
goodness in our behavior, is that by His grace God reveals
Himself and His intent to us. It is one thing to know that
God is good intellectually, even based on Biblical
information and history, but it is another thing to know that
God is good personally and experientially, and to know
how He desires to express that goodness through man. We
know the intent of God in expressing His goodness through
us only by the grace of God whereby the Spirit of Christ
continues to reveal, to enlighten and to illumine our
spiritual understanding. We "listen under" His instruction
in the "obedience of faith" in order to know how, when,
where and to whom He wishes to manifest His goodness
through us. This gracious personal revelation of His

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