Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

failing to understand the divine intent of man's deriving all
character expression from God.
"In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son" (Gal.
4:4), incarnated as a man in order to take the death
consequences of mankind upon Himself, and that in order
to restore the life of God to man, so that man could
function as God intended. The death of Jesus Christ on the
cross was the vindication of all goodness and grace over sin
and death. The resurrection of Jesus was the manifestation
of the availability of all goodness and grace in the dynamic
of the life of the risen Lord Jesus. The "good news" of the
gospel is that in Jesus Christ we have the restoration of
God's presence and function in man which was lost in the
fall. The divine dynamic is restored to man so that all might
be derived from God; the Spirit of Christ living and
functioning in the Christian.
The grace and freedom made available in Jesus Christ
is a radical contradiction to all legalistic morality; to all
religion! Most of the New Testament is an exposé of
religion; an explanation of the dichotomous difference of
Christianity from all religion, especially from the religion
of Judaism. Throughout the gospels Jesus exposes and
disposes the Pharisees. His parables are poignant pictorial

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