Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1
Chapter Four



Remember the story that was related about Gautama
Buddha in chaper one? Allow me to retell it again to set the
stage for the point that needs to be made in this chapter.
Gautama Buddha lived some four hundred years prior
to the birth of Jesus Christ. He was dying. Some of his
devotees came to Buddha and asked how they should
perpetuate his memory. "How should we share with the
world the remembrance of you? How shall we memorialize
you?" Buddha responded, "Don't bother! It is not me that
matters, it is my teaching that should be propagated and
adhered to throughout the world."
Does that seem self-effacing – a noble ideal to avoid
ego-centricity? "Don't focus on me, just remember my

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