Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1
Chapter Five



Have you heard of "the epistemological heresy"?
Though the phrase may be novel, the heresy is nothing
new. It is just a new title on an old problem. In fact, the
"epistemological heresy" may be the underlying heresy of
all heresies, "the mother of all heresies." This particular
heresy is so subtle and pervasive that most who would call
themselves "Christians" have inadvertently adapted to its
heretical presuppositions and are unable to recognize the
extent to which they have adopted its premises. Most of
Western Christian theology has been infected by the mind-
set of this heresy.
Throughout the centuries of Christian thought there
have been Christian thinkers who have honestly and
spiritually maintained the distinctiveness of the Christian

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