Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

God can be known only in the personal self-revelation
of Himself. More specifically, God’s revelation is made by
the Son (Luke 10:22). God is known personally and
relationally in an ontological bond, a spiritual union (I Cor.
6:17). God does not reveal some "thing" about Himself in
order to make available some "thing" (such as holiness,
goodness, love, peace, etc.); rather He reveals Himself, His
Being, for that which He desires to give is Himself, His
Being in action in man.
Our theology must always commence with who God is,
not with His decrees, His will or His laws. God does what
He does because He is who He is, not because He has
decreed a plan, developed a principle, determined a
precept, and set these in motion in deistic detachment.
The Being of God and the act of God must remain
connected. They must always cohere. There is no act of
God apart from His Being. His Being is always
dynamically involved in His act. His doing is always the
dynamic expression of His Being. The activity of God is
derived out of His Being, ek theos. "God is love" (I John
4:8,16); the active expression of love is ek theos (I John
4:7), only and always.

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