Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

unregenerate person identified with the Evil one and
manifesting his character of evil. The Christian, identified
with God in Christ, is free to be functional human being in
ontic relationship with the divine Being. In that
contingency of faith-receptivity, God comes to dwell
personally in man thereby giving to man being, nature,
identity and image in interpersonal relationship with
Himself, with His Son, and activating through man the
expression of His own character unto His own glory.
Christianity demands an ontological understanding with
an indivisible coinherence of God's Being and His act. The
dynamism of Christian grace wherein the activity of the
risen Lord Jesus is operative by the Spirit is the heartbeat of
Christianity. The very person and life of the resurrected
Christ dwells in the Christian (II Cor. 13:5; Gal. 2:20; Col.
1:27), and that in order to manifest His life in our mortal
bodies (II Cor. 4:10,11). Thus the dynamic function of God
is restored within humanity, as He manifests His Being in
the human being.


It will be instructive to consider a few basic themes of
Christian teaching to consider the necessity of maintaining

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